Aparat jest pierwszym na świecie spirometrem zintegrowanym z kolorową drukarką atramentową o wysokiej rozdzielczości. Można z niego wydrukować wyniki i wykresy na papierze w formacie A4 (pomiary spirometrii spoczynkowej i wysiłkowej, ocenę badania przed podaniem leku rozkurczowego i po jego podaniu PRE/POST ). Ponadto posiada wewnętrzną pamięć ok. 1 tys. wyników badań, a także kolorową animację dla dzieci. Ergonomiczny wyświetlacz nowego FlowScreena prowadzi użytkownika przez procedury badania dzięki kolorowo kodowanym klawiszom funkcyjnym i przyciskowi Q, co stanowi łatwy sposób określania jakości pomiaru, zgodnie z zaleceniami ERS/ATS
The new FlowScreen spirometer is a flexible, diagnostic system for recording and assessing flow-volume loops, volume-time loops, and relevant parameters. The system enables measurement of inspiratory and expiratory lung volumes (such as VCin, FVC, FEV1, FEF 25, 50, 75, PEF, PIF) including pre/post measurement. Patient data, measurement results, and diagrams can be directly printed on plain paper with the internal, high-resolution, four-color ink-jet printer.
The ergonomic color display of the new FlowScreen guides the clinician easily through patient testing. Color coded function keys and the Q-key provide easy assessment of the test’s quality.
The powerful patient database has a capacity of more than 1,000 patient records, and the exchangeable SD memory card enables backing up, archiving, and uploading of data to any PC. There is no other system in the market that measures and archives quicker, easier, or more economically than FlowScreen, and there is no other system as compact.
Because of the modular design and the built-in interfaces, FlowScreen can be easily expanded to become a comprehensive diagnostic tool for your office. Color your routine and benefit from the many up-to-date features of the new FlowScreen–an innovative spirometry system that leaves nothing to be desired.
In the fast moving world of technology it is very rare to find a product that continues to attract new users 25 years after it was first launched but that is exactly what is happening with the Vitalograph ALPHA, which remains essentially unchanged from the first to the current generation of product.
The latest generation of the top selling Vitalograph ALPHA is being shipped in 2015 as a special Silver Anniversary edition. This ‘workhorse’ spirometer is renowned for reliability and long life, so now is a great time for users to swap their very old ALPHA spirometer for this new model, the special edition.
This great value device continues to meet the needs of respiratory care professionals who want a spirometer that is not only highly accurate but fast and very easy to use. The latest generation includes a robust carry case and integral rechargeable battery for complete portability.